Things are moving right along here in PodCamp World. We have two returning sponsors for PodCamp Ohio.
Welcome back Dr. Anonymous from the Dr. Anomymous Podcast, and Blubrry.com which provides services and tools to podcasters.
During our organizing meeting this past Wednesday evening, we discussed starting an official hash tag for this years podcamp. It’s official, our hash tag will be #pco09. I fyou are discussing PodCamp Ohio in Twitter, blogging, posting pictures or videos, please add this hash tag to make it easier for your fellow PodCamp Ohio enthusiasts to find you.
We had a few issues with the registration page and all the bugs should be worked out so feel free to register now if you haven’t done so. If you have any problems with our site, let us know either by sending us a message on Twitter or by emailing Angelo )(angelo[at]podcampohio.com).
We also discussed adding a tag line to our logo to help explain what PodCamp Ohio is about and decided to open it up to all you to come up with one. A tag line is a short simple state ment that would further explain what PodCamp Is or maybe a funny statement that will entice people to find out more. So we made it a contest. For the next two weeks, we will accept your submissions for a tag line for PodCamp Ohio. Right now the winner will receive bragging rights, but if anyone would care to throw in a prize, we’re not to proud to accept that. Just leave your tag line submission in the comments below. You could even let your friends know and ask them to post a comment to “vote” in favor of your tag line. Heck, why not make a video of your tag line suggestion and post it to Viddler or You Tube, add the #pdo09 hash tag and leave a link in the comments. You may as well have some fun with this right?
If you would like to help organize PodCamp Ohio and hang out with some pretty cool if not wildly strange people, join us on line for our organizing meetings every Wednesday night at 8:00pm.
More news to follow about session registration and information about where to stay if you are coming from out of town.