
Blip.tv Sponsors PodCamp Ohio

28 April 2009 in Sponsor

Blip.tvPodCamp Ohio is proud to announce Blip.tv as a Gold sponsor. Blip.tv sponsored PodCamp Ohio last year as well. We are very grateful for their support.

Blip.tv is an Internet television network focused on the best original shows created for the Web. Blip.tv host, distribute and monetize shows and split all advertising revenues with show creators 50/50.

Please visit www.Blip.tv to learn more.


The OSU Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing Sponsors PodCamp Ohio

27 April 2009 in Sponsor

The OSU Center for the Study and Teaching of WritingPodCamp Ohio is proud to announce The OSU center for the Study and Teaching of Writing (CSTW) sponsors PodCamp Ohio 2! Their platinum sponsorship is greatly appreciated.

CSTW is an interdisciplinary support and research unit in The Ohio State University’s College of Humanities. CSTW is committed to fostering excellence among writers and teachers of writing at The Ohio State University and in the State of Ohio.

Please visit the CSTW web site  for more information.


Circle of Seven Productions Sponsors PodCamp Ohio

23 April 2009 in Sponsor

CiOS productionsCircle of Seven Productions sponsors PodCamp Ohio!

Circle of Seven Productions (aka COS Productions) created the Book Trailer market in 2002. Since then the company has been the leader of book trailer production in the US, winning several prestigious awards for both broadband and broadcast videos.

COS Productions Gold sponsorship and support of PodCamp Ohio is greatly appreciated. Thank you COS Productions!


Doctor Anonymous Sponsors PodCamp Ohio

21 April 2009 in Sponsor

Doctor AnonymousPodCamp Ohio 2 is proud to be sponsored by Ohio’s own Doctor Anonymous!

Doctor Anonymous podcast is show that goes beyond the blog to bring you up close and personal with the brightest stars of the medical blogosphere.

Doctor Anonymous was one of the first contributors to both this years and last years PodCamp Ohio. He has been following the meetings and planning since the beginning. His Gold sponsorship and support for PodCamp Ohio is greatly appreciated. Thank you Doctor Anonymous!

Please check out the Doctor Anonymous Podcast every Thursday evening at 9pm on BlogTalkRadio.

We have more sponsorship announcements coming shortly. Please visit the sponsors page for the latest list of PodCamp Ohio sponsors.


Ignite Columbus Ignites PodCamp Ohio

14 April 2009 in Events, Ignite Columbus, News

It’s official! The night before PodCamp Ohio we will be hosting Ignite Columbus. We’re thinking of calling it Ignite Columbus presents: Ignite Ohio or some other such fun thing. The PodCamp Ohio organizing crew has been working to try to bring extra value and fun to your PodCamp experience. This special Ignite will be from 6 to 8pm on Friday June 19th, in the same space as PodCamp Ohio.

Register for Ignite Columbus 3

We contacted the Ignite Columbus organizers and invited them to use our space for their next event and they have accepted. This event is free and open to anyone who wishes to attend. All PodCamp Ohio attendees are welcome to join in the fun of Ignite.

Don’t know what Ignite is? Ignite is an evening of 5 minute presentations that cover a range of topics people are passionate about.  Presenters use a deck of 20 slides that advance every 15 seconds. Many who attended Ignite events come away with new information, new friends and maybe even the spark of a new idea.

Here is my favorite presentation from the most recent Ignite Columbus Event:

We are thrilled to be working with Dan Rockwell, Alvin Borromeo and the rest of the Ignite Columbus crew to bring you this fun evening of entertainment. Between Ignite and PodCamp Ohio, the weekend is sure to leave you with a lot of information and fresh ideas for enhancing your own new media and social media experience.

If you would like to present at the Ignite event, please watch their website for details on how to sign up. All presentations will need to use the Ignite template so it is important that you register to present and receive instructions. We will be posting more details here as they develop.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at this event and the next day at PodCamp Ohio.

Posted by: Mary Wehrle


PodCamp Ohio Podcast Meeting Tonight April 1 – We Have New Sponsors!

1 April 2009 in planning

We’re having our weekly PodCamp Ohio planning podcast tonight, April 1 at 8pm. Everyone is welcome. :)

We have a number of new sponsors to announce this evening! Blubrry.com is now a Platinum sponsor and we’ve added Blip.tv and AssistCoach as Gold sponsors.  Thanks to their sponsorship along with The OSU Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, Dr. Anonymous and Circle of Seven Productions we’ve reached our second of 3 sponsorship goals. Our final goal is to raise $2,000 more to pay for event swag and t-shirts.

If you’re planning on attending or speaking at PodCamp Ohio, please feel free to join the call and tell us what you would like to see at PodCamp as well as discuss your session.

There are a number of ways to join the live show:

Call phone number (724) 444-7444 and enter in call ID 80720.

Web interface TalkShoe Live where you can listen and text chat live.

Software application TalkShoe Live Pro where you can use a microphone headset to call-in and text chat live.


AssistCoach Sponsors PodCamp Ohio

1 April 2009 in Sponsor

AssistCoachPodCamp Ohio is proud to be sponsored by AssistCoach.

In this age of Social Media Marketing and business survival, every entrepreneur needs “Results Driven Sales Training” to be successful.

At AssistCoach.com we help you leverage Social Media and coach you on using the best tools to connect with prospects and clients. Plus, we help you to overcome the fear of using the telephone by applying the best and proven techniques for closing sales.

Sales is a skill that must be learned, much like learning to play the piano. You will never master it in one day, but you will learn with practice and by  having a teacher that understands the principles and timing.

Most entrepreneurs are not good at closing sales. But with a little coaching, you can learn to master these skills and best practices very quickly! With our unique program, we can teach you over the phone, through social networking and with videos on the Internet.

Call us at 614-429-4832 to see how we can assist you with prospecting, social networking, and your business strategy. Or visit our website at http://assistcoach.com for more information.


June – a month for weddings, and PodcampOhio2!

31 March 2009 in News

June is just a quick few months away, and already people are buzzing about PodcampOhio2. With 12 sessions set up thus far and people registering to attend, PodcampOhio2 is ramping up fast.

Attendees know that, though the sessions are chock-full of interesting tidbits, advice and jaw-dropping revelations, as much fun can be had roaming and chatting with those waiting on their sessions or just hanging out in the common areas. Conversations don’t drag here, they inspire. Looking forward to it!

Gina Kay (@ginakay on Twitter)


Meeting Wrap-up

26 March 2009 in News

Thanks to Angelo and Brandice for joining The Doctor Anonymous Show and talking about Podcamp Ohio. Angelo gave an update on sessions, registration, and sponsors.

Brandice and Angelo talked through with me a possible session that I would do talking about medicine and new media. Do you have an interest in health and medicine? Do you have any suggestions for me as far as things that you would like to see? Angelo made a suggestion about talking about health/medicine resources out there.

I encourage you to check out the video post above and you can also listen to the show on the player here or even download the show to listen to anytime. Thanks to everybody who joined me live and those who will listen on the archives. I appreciate it!


Online Meetup Thursday

25 March 2009 in Events, News

On Thursday night, March 26th, 2009 at 9pm ET, join me live on The Doctor Anonymous Show. I’ll be joined by our friend Brandice and we’ll be doing something unique.

I’m thinking about doing a session at Podcamp Ohio this year, and you can help me plan what I’m going to present. The only idea I have is that it’s going to be about medicine and new media. (Also check out the video post above. Don’t forget to join our Facebook group!)

If you’ve never experienced my show before, you’re in for a treat! There is a live, interactive chat room. You can also call into the show to say hello. And, there is a live webcam to see my shining face. Hope you’re able to join us for the online meetups tonight and/or tomorrow!