PodCamp Ohio » usb http://2009.podcampohio.com New Media Unconference for Ohio and vicinity Thu, 29 Apr 2010 01:41:26 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.9.2 en hourly 1 http://www.podcampohio.com/feed/podcast/ PodCamp Ohio is the media community UnConference that helps connect people interested in blogging, social networks, podcasting and new media to learn, share, and grow their new media skills. Whether you're just interested in new media or an experienced veteran, PodCamp Ohio is for you. PodCamp Ohio will be held at the ITT Technical Institute in Hilliard, Ohio on June 28, 2008. PodCamp Ohio clean PodCamp Ohio angelo@podcampohio.com angelo@podcampohio.com (PodCamp Ohio) © PodCamp Ohio PodCamp Ohio is the media community UnConference that helps connect people interested in blogging, social networks, podcasting and new media to learn, share, and grow their new media skills. Whether you're just interested in new media or an experienc podcamp, ohio, podcasting,technology, columbus, new, media PodCamp Ohio » usb http://www.podcampohio.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/logo_rss.jpg http://2009.podcampohio.com Seven Days Left for the Special Discount from Blue Microphones https://2009.podcampohio.com/2009/06/23/seven-days-left-for-the-special-discount-from-blue-microphone-for-podcamp-ohio-attendees/ https://2009.podcampohio.com/2009/06/23/seven-days-left-for-the-special-discount-from-blue-microphone-for-podcamp-ohio-attendees/#comments Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:00:08 +0000 admin http://www.podcampohio.com/?p=434 SnowBall MicrphoneIf you didn’t get a chance to check out the Blue Microphones (SnowBall and SnowFlake) during the live recording of The Guys Podcast at PodCamp Ohio this past weekend, then you may not know about the special 20% discount provided exclusively to PodCamp Ohio attendees from Blue Microphones!

SnowBall USB Microphone is regularly $99.99, but for PodCamp Ohio attendees is only $79.99. The SnowFlake USB Microphone is regularly $79.99, but for PodCamp Ohio attendees is only $55.99. (Coupon code applied when clicking the links above)

To receive this exclusive pricing, order your microphones directly from Blue Microphones blumic.com/store/ and enter the discount coupon code: podcamp0609 This coupon code expires in one week.

Thanks again Blue Microphones for sponsoring PodCamp Ohio!

https://2009.podcampohio.com/2009/06/23/seven-days-left-for-the-special-discount-from-blue-microphone-for-podcamp-ohio-attendees/feed/ 0